Kevin McKelvin

Slim Templates

18 September 2011

The Slim template engine seems to have gained a lot of popularity in the Rails community recently. Their site describes it as ‘A lightweight templating engine.’ For a long time I’ve loved Haml, taking the approach that I’d rather describe my intent than hard code HTML tags all over the place.

However, in hindsight having used Slim for a while it appears Haml might have stepped a bit too far away from HTML, including some cryptic syntax like ’%’ signs to declare tags.  Slim takes a step back towards HTML.  It still uses the significant whitespace element of Haml and removes the annoying <>‘s, but keeps you closer to the actual HTML that you’re describing.

Here’s an example of Slim (taken from a presentation I gave recently)

p = link_to "New Link", new_link_path
- @links.each do |link|
    .title = link_to link.title, link.url, :target => "_blank"
    .description = link.description
      = link_to "Delete", link, :method => :delete, :confirm => 'Are you sure?'
= paginate @links

Nice and clean. The way it should be :)

To install it in your Rails app, just add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'slim-rails'

Then create a view using the .slim file extension to start using Slim.

Resources to check out:

For those using vim and the rails.vim plugin - the most recent version of the plugin supports .slim extensions for templates.

Kevin McKelvin

These are the online musings of Kevin McKelvin. He is the CTO at Resource Guru, and lives in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.