Presentation: Docker at Golang North East April 2020
9 May 2020
I had the privilege to speak for the first online Golang North East meetup on 28 April 2020.
After a short introduction to Docker Images and Containers, I spoke about using Docker in development workflows and spent most of the time live coding and demonstrating how to build a simple Go web application that connected to Redis and ran together using docker-compose
You can see the code from the talk can on Github.
I enjoyed that we were able to still have a fairly informal presentation setting, where a lot of questions and answers could be voiced and conversations could be had. With the meetup being online, it was a bonus to be joined by Gophers from further afield in the UK, Europe and America. I hope to keep meeting other amazing developers and hearing their inspiring stories through these meetups for as long as social distancing is in place.
Thanks Roger Peppe and Nathan Davies for organising the meetup and for adapting to running the meetup online. If you’re interested in all things Go, we’ll be meeting online until social distancing restrictions are lifted to allow us to meet in person again. Join the group on meetup, or follow @golangnortheast on twitter to get announcements.