Kevin McKelvin


20 September 2011

I was testing a client I wrote to a server API recently. Being relatively new to testing with RSpec and Ruby, I initially took the naive…

Slim Templates

18 September 2011

The Slim template engine seems to have gained a lot of popularity in the Rails community recently. Their site describes it as ‘A…

Out and about

16 September 2011

I’ve spent the better part of the last 4 months looking into what the open source communities have been up to. The .NET stack was great to…

Devs4Devs Jo'burg - 13 August

9 August 2011

Calling all developers!  Microsoft’s Devs4Devs is happening on 13 August 2011 at their Bryanston offices. Devs4Devs has to be my favourite…

ERDDUG May Meeting

14 May 2011

Thanks to Darrel Schreyer (@dwschreyer) for today’s presentation at the East Rand Developer & DBA Usergroup. This month Darrel covered an…